The India Immersion Project 2014 will take place on from February 13th to 23rd when twelve students and four staff members from Coláiste Éanna will visit India.
The twelve students are Daragh Goan, Rudi Kinsella, Luke Mooney, Oisin O’Neill, Robbie Torsney and Peter Whelan from Fifth Year and Nathan Brunel, Josh Kane, Hugh Keller, Ben McMahon, David Mullen and Eoghan Whelan from Transition Year. The teachers travelling with the students are Mr McCauley, Mr Dalton, Mr Sterling and Mr Carey.
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Above are images taken on the last India Immersion Project. They provide a insight into parts of India.
Over the coming weeks the students going to India will be involved in several fundraising initiatives. These include Xbox FIFA tournaments, various Colours or Non-Uniform Days in local schools, Coffee Mornings, Clothes Recycling, Bag Packing and a Quiz Night.
If you are in a position to support any of these events or are able to organise an event we would appreciate it very much.