Examinations and assessments are an integral part of life in Coláiste Éanna. House Exams are conducted at Christmas and summer. Class tests occur on a regular basis. Invaluable practice is gained by having to perform under examination conditions. Not only that, the process of organising oneself and revising independently is a discipline that stands to the pupil as time goes on. All teachers provide guidance, supervision and feedback.
The ‘mock’ examinations for those doing the public examinations (Junior and Leaving Certificate) are held in late February/early March.
Assessment takes place continually throughout the year. Subject teachers grade and comment on homework and assignments as they are submitted and promptly returned. At the end of each term a report on each pupil is posted home. This gives an account of the pupils’ effort and the grade achieved in the most recent test or assignment. In this way it is hoped that parents can gain accurate feedback on a pupil’s progress. Each report is reviewed by the year head.
Parent-teacher meetings are held during the school year. These meetings are designed to give the opportunity for face to face meetings between parents and members of staff and allow for discussion on a pupil’s standard and progress. Teachers are available (by appointment) to meet parents or to contact them should the need arise at any stage in the year.