28 Feb School Re-Opens following Storm Emma

Following an inspection of the school premises and clearance to ensure safe access, Coláiste Éanna CBS will re-open Tuesday 6th March at 8.45am. Access to the school buildings will be via Main Entrances only. Students are advised to exercise caution travelling to & from school.
Mock exams for 3rd & 6th Year students will continue as per timetable.
6th Year: Gaeilge Paipéar 1 9.00 – 11.00 / LCVP Portfolio Completion 11.00
3rd Years: Gaeilge Paipéar 1, 9.00 – 10.30 / Paipéar 2 (HL only) 11.30 – 1.00 / Business Paper 2 (HL only) 1.50 – 3.50 / Wednesday 7th CSPE 9.00 – 10.30 / Classes as per timetable following exam.
For students who wish to use the time off school productively the following websites are recommended both for Junior Cert & Leaving Cert subjects:
www.scoilnet.ie www.studynotes.ie www.examsupport.ie
www.examrevision.ie www.examinations.ie www.themathstutor.ie