26 Jan European Youth Parliament

Mathew Somers (TY) and Conor Lehane (5th year) have qualified for the national conference of the European Youth Parliament to be held in Dublin in March. This is the first time that Colaiste Éanna has entered EYP.
The boys travelled to Athlone recently to take part in the Leinster regional session where they worked on motions regarding the rights of member states to opt-out of treaty provisions such as monetary union and the Schengen accords and the question of gender quotas for company directors.
EYP is an international movement which gives young people the chance to take part in simulations of European Parliament debates across a wide range of policy areas such as agriculture, foreign and security policy and women’s rights. Delegates selected from regional and national conferences in their home country are then invited to represent Ireland at an international EYP conference the following year.