08 Feb Green School Programme – Day of Action

Over the past months the Green School Committee, with staff and students in Coláiste Éanna, have been working to maintain our first Green Flag for reducing waste and encouraging recycling, and to gain a second Green Flag for energy awareness. We have achieved significant savings in our heating bills and our BER (Buidling Energy Rating) is now at B2 level.
As part of our commitment to being energy aware, we are asking each of you to participate in our Day of Action on Friday, February 10th.
All we are asking is that teachers and students have a low/no energy consumption class period, or part thereof, during the first class period on Friday morning whereby lights are left off, where feasible, along with computers, data projectors etc in order to highlight our dependence on electrical energy.
It would be great if an entire class period could be run in this manner, though it is entirely understandable that teachers may have planned a specific schedule for that timeslot. Anything is better than nothing, so even 10 or 15 minutes would help to get the message across. Alternatively, a different timeslot may be more manageable on that particular day – whatever suits!
We hope to announce great news in relation to this second Green Flag in the coming weeks.